My name is Derek Brooks

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Has anyone ever considered that Donald Trump is a weirdo, huge bitch and also a complete piece of shit?

2,800 miles, endlessly beautiful landscapes, off-roading, good food, good beer, good times, and we escaped both life threatening situations that we got ourselves into.

Spring Break road trip success.

Recent albums

January Reset. No Gluten. No Alcohol.

I've been dealing with some minor, intermittent skin issues for years. It's been treatable, but last year the eczema came hard, spread further and was a little gnarlier... so I started seeing a dermatologist and allergist. They tested for chemical allergies, environmental allergies, had me change everything that I put on my skin or clothes and none of it helped. I suspected a food allergy or something, but the allergist disagreed, and wanted me to come in weekly to get shots. Yeah right.

Despite everything else they suggested, things got worse toward the end of the year... peak gluttony season.

In December, we did an "advent calendar of beer" from Confluence, so I was having at least half of a craft beer every day for nearly a month - …

Last seen in Des Moines, Iowa

Recent comments

Not sure if this post/thread is still active or not. My wife and I are wanting to do this trail in Sept/Oct. I've seen some YT videos where the mud is pretty sloppy and deep to where they got stuck. Did you have any issues with those areas and did you happen to mark those on your GPX file by chance? If possible, I would like a copy of your GPX file if it is still available. Thanks. Looks like you had a great time!
you painted a picture with your skeet there. AZ actually sounds rad.