Blog entries tagged Car

3 blog entries

  • Picking up an M-series in Germany

    First of all, some things I noticed about Germans: no one is staring at phones. Everyone rides bikes - mostly cruisers with kickstands and barely locked up. They are big rule followers. They seem to require very little policing and are generally very respectful people. They love super cheesy t-shirts, especially if the F word is on them.

    And now, for a long breakdown of our trip.

    Day 1 - Munich

    As we fly into Munich, I notice all the farmland, rolling hills, and small villages and am getting even more excited about having the opportunity to drive around this beautiful country.

    We land, get taken to our hotel, take a quick nap, and then do some exploring and shopping around the Marienplatz area. It didn't take us long to find our first …

  • The Ultimate Drive (round 2)

    So back in 05, Nehru brought me along to the BMW/Susan G. Komen Ultimate Drive, which is a pretty amazing event. You show up and drive decked out BMWs on a ~15 mile route around the city... and they do their best to give you a fun route with varying speeds.

    It's a yearly event that travels around the country (so check the website to see when it's in your town) and it's completely free. You just sign up, drive fancy cars, and BMW donates $1 for every mile you drive. It's great.

    So this year I was able to go again, which rules because I've been wanting to get into that 135 sooo freaking bad. and that, I did.

    First I drove the 135 convertible, then I hopped in the 650 convertible.

    The difference was quite interesting. Back …