Blog entries tagged Web

66 blog entries

  • Picturas y Tejas

    I made thumbnails for the albums in my photos section. I love working on my site, haha. Hopefully soon it will be how I want it... so I can start over and redesign the whole thing again, haha. Stupid website.

    I fly to Dallas today. Kari looked into renting us a ferarri, porsche, or hummer to drive while we were there. but we found out that it would be better to make house payments instead. The cheapest "exotic" was a corvette for about $300 a day. So we're renting a malibu or something. And since we're not 25 we have to pay $35 extra a day, wtf. Somehow I got away with renting a car to drive to STL. ..maybe I got lucky.

    Anyway, Texas soon, hopefully it's fun. Stupid Texas. Steers and queers... steers and queers. (no …
  • Buca, Servers, Ryan Dunn's Show

    Some things are going on. Kari's parents stopped out Friday night before their flight to Phoenix in the morning. We had a good time, went to Buca di Beppo, ate in the kitchen, had too many limoncellos. Her family loves food like no other. It's insane

    Saturday I got a lot done, sometimes it rules to actually stay home on weekends. Wait no. I want to tour the world! Nick and Nicole came over later, we ate those Harry Potter Jelly Belly's - flavors like soap, sardines, spaghetti, dirt, earthworm, booger, ear wax, and vomit. I totally expected vomit to be the worst, but it was definitely earthworm. gross.

    Transferring all my websites to my (kari's dad's) server is really annoying. It seriously takes forever. Create a new site …
  • Poor Harper

    My plate is so full right now it's retarded. I mean, the only other person I can think of that has this much stuff going on is Harper. He's always working on too much and I'm starting to get a taste of it. I mean, once you get any kind of skill, everyone wants to use you. And once you acquire every skill (like me, hahaha) then everyone wants even more. Then, you offer them all this stuff and they want more, and then they get mad when you can't give it to them. I like to help people but seriously... people need to appreciate. I really need to clear my plate and work on my own stuff for a while. I'm getting burnt out and I'm only 23, wtf, haha.

    So yeah, lately I've been working on 3 big videos, 7+ websites, trying to get my …
  • New, New, New and Barely Different

    umm... New design! haha. I guess the site is different now. At first I was all like, "I should make a css site." So I made 3 designs or so and came up with this one. I didn't really like it that much so I made 2 more and said, "screw it" and came back to this one. Then after working on it for a while, I realized that I didn't have time to make a new site. Plus I realized that working with CSS is really lame and time consuming. So what you see here is a site that was supposed to be all CSS, but it's actually half tables. And the entire site is not really done. wtf, haha.

    However, the general site is much more lean so it should be faster. And I have changed a few things around in an attempt to make it nicer. Some new stuff:
  • The Falaphilia Factor

    So my buddy scottv contacts me yesterday and is like, "BROOKS, need your help, asap. I don't have photoshop here and I need some quick work done." He then goes on to show me the sexual harrassment lawsuit against Bill O'Reilly (from the O'Reilly Factor) and his strange falafel fetish... So Scott told me to photoshop an image of O'Reilly with his arm around a gigantic piece of falafel. Which I did (in about 3 minutes - as you will see).

    Long story short, scott bought and came up with a pretty good definition of "Falaphilia." Harper is hosting the site and it's getting hit pretty hard - which is awesome. O'Reilly is a pretty sick dude. And we (the guys that own the sun) rule.

    Update: I just wrote the official fala…
  • Father Skirts

    Hmmm, the weekend.

    Friday, Kari and I saw dodgeball. funny movie. Kevi also finished editing the third nutpunt video, which is sort of a continuation of the characters and ideas of our "I against I" video. Today he got it all converted to flash and uploaded to the site: Too bad the flash is a little choppier than the actual video (especially the first time you watch it). But, whatev, it's still funny.

    Yesterday my parents came to visit for father's day. We hung out for a while, which was nice. Then we met up with Kari's family to eat at Spaghetti Works and then to the Iowa Cubs game. Spaghetti Works wasn't as good as I thought it'd be. Anyway, Kari and I bought our dads matching icubs shirts to wear to the game, …
  • Better, Closer, Warmer

    So a while ago I made a "new design" for, but I wasn't able to upload it because harper's server went wack on me. Anyway, everything is kosher now so I finished it up and uploaded it today. The only reason I really redesigned is because all my friends are starting to build sites and the list was too big for the header above... So I added a column on the right and put them there. The new links are Cedric and Aaron.

    While I was at it, I decided to make the site a little more compliant. All of the javascript works in Mozilla now. (stupid mozilla). I also added random survival tips to the right side, which I've been collecting from my "Worst Case Scenario" calendar. The tips will change every day (well they're …
  • My friends have websites

    So, I'm starting to get a lot of friends with web sites, which kinda sucks because I've maxed out the space that I left for my friends' names above the friends link on the header. I added Dave Conger and Nehru Cheddie to the list, so check out their sites. Nehru is a guy I work with and fellow car enthusiast and Dave is a dude I know from my Soaping web sites and through short films, etc.

    Also, if you actually click the friends link, you can see some news from my buddies' sites... that is, IF they have an RSS feed. (if you're on that list and you don't have a feed, you should get one. If you're using PHP/MySQL, I can hook you up with a script to generate one).

    If I get anymore friends, I'll just start removing the less cool …
  • Truespin Media

    Nick Leeper and I have been working on a new web design/digital media company called: Truespin Media. We already have our first project going and today we launched the site.

    Our focus is the for the Des Moines, Iowa area , but hopefully we will be building sites all around the country.

    Check it out:
  • Sad Sad Sad day.

    I just lost the last 6 months of my life documentation that makes up

    if any of you have any of my articles saved/cached for any reason at all, please email them to me at [email protected].

    i am really a complete retard. kick me as hard as you can the next time you see me. either in the face, or square in the balls.

    3:10 PM Update: Scratch everything I just said. I rule. Here is the story...

    First, I go to empty my "audio" table in the database because i needed to re-organize it... well, instead i accidentally emptied the "articles" table. So, I basically deleted the past 3 years of my internet life. ... this is the point where I would have cried (if i was a pansy). However, I did get really really sad.

    So I …
  • Site Updates: Weird

    I finally got the audio and video sections up on the site. Each has 1 file. The audio section has a song by my buddy's band (Van Johnson), and the video section just has the tech deck video. Be sure to check out the Van Johnson song.

    Hopefully everyone doesn't hate me or my views on updating my website this time.
  • Pwn the sun

    A couple months ago some friends and I claimed the Sun. We were so happy when we obtained it... but we didn't know what to do with it. After breif discussion we decided that we should sell parts of it as real estate. And since there is so much surface on the Sun (6,069,871,166,000.84 square kilometers) we figured that we could sell it for an insanely low price! This plan would give our fellow land owners one of the best deals of their lifetime and make us ultra rich. In fact, if we sold the entire sun, we would each make a approximately $7,081,516,314,851.66. This is a lot of money...

    Please check out our website and deeply consider purchasing your right to the hottest property you can buy!
  • Zach finally got cool

    My buddy, Zach Larson, finally got cooler and bought his own domain name. He's also learning some flash stuff, so that's awesome too. Check out his site at Remember, Zach has only been designing websites for a few months, so you're about to witness a very fast learner. Zach also does all his work in notepad already, BOMB!

    (p.s. - You may have noticed that this site was messed up for a while and just displayed the date on the top, rather than links n stuff. Well, that's because I accidentaly overwrote the header on my site with the header of a site that I was working on for Lujack's... Stupid me... but it's fixed now. Also, check out

    This is getting quite annoying, heh. I keep making my "professional sites" too personal. I originally bought to use as my professional website for freelance projects such as web design... it turned out to be a personal site, and then later became an extreme sports site. Soon after that, I created which was to be my personal/professional website... but it's starting to lean more on the personal side and less on the professional side (Actually it's becoming more about my car, hah). I'm not saying that I want to lose my personal site, because I don't... but I really need a professional site so I can show it to companies and get a little more serious about freelance work.

    This is where I want your feedback. …
  • Spanish, Kevin, and Portfolio

    I did a few updates to the site... First of all, I wrote a Spanish Flashcard program for a class at Cornell. It's written in PHP so if you want to check it out you can by clicking here. If you want more info about this program, check out a more detailed description of it in the portfolio section. I also completely redid the portfolio section. I added a couple sites that weren't there before and added a high resolution picture for each website I've made. Click the hi-res link below each description to check them out.

    Probably the most important thing I've added is a picture of Kevin. Go to the pictures section and look at the bottom picture of Kevin. You'll notice that he is holding a case of Mountain Dew... I'll explain. A year and …
  • New Design

    What up. If you haven't already noticed, I've redesigned the site. But since it's completely different... you probably noticed. I changed the color scheme from blue, red, and grey to green and grey. Also, the logo at the top loads random pictures... On the home page, it's all pictures of me, and other pages have other random pictures. cool eh? :) Anyway, let me know what you think!