• 8

    countries visited

    Belize, Indonesia, Japan, Mexico, Nicaragua, Singapore, Thailand and United States
  • 8

    states visited

    Arizona, California, Illinois, Indiana, Iowa, Minnesota, Nevada and Texas
  • 89

    days away from home

    79 outside my state
  • 1,400

    miles walked

    averaging 3.8 mi per day
  • 154.3

    miles biked

    averaging 5.5 mi per ride
  • 184.4 lbs

    average weight

    ranging from 180.6 to 188.9 lbs
  • 2.7

    average hours asleep

    and 3.7 hours in bed
  • 8


    5 more than 2016
  • 1,653

    photos taken

    across 272 days
  • 2,098

    check ins

    averaging 5.9 per day
  • 713

    microblog entries

    averaging 2.3 per day
  • 3

    blog entries

    1 less than 2016

Big remarks


I am heading back stage to a Metallica show because I took a shitty photo that wound up being part of their Grammy winning album art.

About to spend 2.5 weeks in Southeast Asia (Singapore, Jakarta, Bangkok) and Tokyo. First time over there + furthest travel. Plz send tips!

Headin to Chicago for Obama's farewell speech and a little after party with all the folks that helped him win the presidency.

Yearly footprint

Hot photos

Cameras carried