Wednesday, January 19, 2011

I checked in to 1 place and wrote 8 microblogs. I was in Ankeny, Iowa.

12:32 am

12:45 am

Checked in at The Broox Household, Ankeny, Iowa

9:39 am

Whoa! The sun's out! If it wasn't 2 degrees, I might be tempted to actually go outside...

1:44 pm

Why can iOS stream any kind of media over airplay, but OSX can't?

5:01 pm

Crap. My Bluetooth keyboard and trackpad just died within 30 mins of each other. Need more batteries!

6:24 pm

Walking to an appointment. Wishing my wife would answer her phone from time to time.
1 comment

7:48 pm

That massage was actually worth walking 2 miles in 8 degree weather. Just got my back and neck completely rocked.

9:54 pm

Big Lebowski, Heineken, and Hacking.
1 comment

11:59 pm

My Facebook and twitter streams have become so flooded with peeps pushing discount services and coupons. I am tired of deals.

January 19, 2011