Thursday, January 26, 2012

I slept 7.77 hours, checked in to 2 places, took 1 photo, wrote 3 microblogs, walked 4.29 miles, and weighed 182.1 pounds. I was in Chicago, Illinois.

12:17 am

Went to bed

12:23 am

Fell asleep

8:19 am

Woke up after sleeping 7.77 hours

9:43 am

Checked in at Obama 2012 Campaign HQ, Chicago, Illinois

3:37 pm

I really wish Facebook used real phone numbers instead of short codes... Or maybe I just wish that google voice supported short codes.
1 comment

6:44 pm

Checked in at 913 N Hermitage Ave, Chicago, Illinois

7:04 pm

I don't always eat at home, but when I do, I prefer $3 microwaveable meals.

8:16 pm

Oh man, I HATE this sight. Especially when one of my favorite buttons used to live there.

8:22 pm

Oh man, I HATE this site. Especially when one of my favorite buttons used to live there.
1 comment

January 26, 2012