Thursday, October 18, 2012

I checked in to 2 places, took 2 photos, wrote 3 microblogs, walked 4.55 miles, and weighed 179.5 pounds. I was in Chicago, Illinois.

10:32 am


10:34 am

Checked in at Obama 2012 Campaign HQ, Chicago, Illinois

10:37 am

Shaved. My face feels tiny.

11:48 am

City Fall

7:25 pm

Bustin out early to let that Garth Brooks out. I'm a single dad tonight.

7:58 pm

Checked in at 444 W surf, Chicago, Illinois

9:46 pm

The only thing worse than a failing test, is a passing test... that you have no idea htf it's passing.

October 18, 2012