This party is amazing. Dude from local h performing Halloween songs with Greg corner and some other dudes.. With some burlesque ish going on
Checked in at Flash Taco, Chicago, Illinois
Checked in at 913 N Hermitage Ave, Chicago, Illinois
Went to bed
Fell asleep
Woke up after sleeping 4.7 hours
I am totally not ready to be awake. Freakin Sunday night parties!
@clint that AirPlay thing is awesome. I've been complaining about that forever. Finally!
Checked in at One Prudential Plaza, Chicago, Illinois
the osx swipe gestures on the new google chrome are so niceโฆ but why don't the little fading arrows match the back/fwd arrows?
Number Four with SAUWCE
1 comment
a product of the meetup github hosted last week: octodex.github....om/baracktocat/
Checked in at Jewel-Osco, Chicago, Illinois
Things that are disgusting: boxes full of cat shit... In your house.
Checked in at 913 N Hermitage Ave, Chicago, Illinois