Sunday, October 6, 2019

I slept 5.87 hours, checked in to 4 places, took 9 photos, wrote 2 microblogs, and walked 9.10 miles. I was in Des Moines, Iowa.

12:01 am

Checked in at Black Sheep, Des Moines, Iowa

12:35 am

Here we go!

12:35 am

Gettin a good one

12:39 am

There's this DJ in my town that goes by TouchNice. Dude is a goddamn surgeon with his cuts.

1:26 am

Birthday girl

2:25 am


2:33 am

Selfie time

4:19 am

Late night chillin

4:43 am

Fell asleep

10:46 am

Woke up after sleeping 5.87 hours

11:49 am

Checked in at University Library Cafe, Des Moines, Iowa

1:28 pm

Checked in at Brooks' Dead End Ranch, Des Moines, Iowa

4:57 pm

Gettin them gourds

5:09 pm

Some trees fell over our fence

8:09 pm

Checked in at Fong's Pizza, Des Moines, Iowa

8:42 pm

Look at these Garth Brooks stickers

9:06 pm

@kbroox is the best. Don't forget to tell her happy birthday!

9:24 pm

Fell asleep

October 6, 2019