Sunday, October 7, 2007

I wrote 1 blog, took 4 photos, and wrote 6 microblogs. I was in Des Moines, Iowa.

12:08 am

sorta bored downtown. alcohol is not really that fun.

12:12 am

Outside Red Monk

12:12 am

Outside Red Monk

1:06 am

Jeff and Iulia

1:07 am

Outside Red Monk
1 comment

2:47 am

weird night. fun, fun, fun, not fun, fun, bed.

11:25 am

hanging out with girls trying to decide what we want for lunch

12:22 pm

chilis. then working on stuff for the day. websites? videos? my car?

8:37 pm

Published a blog about Kari's Twenty Six

9:04 pm

10:24 pm

got a lot done today. heading to bed.

October 7, 2007