Sunday, November 20, 2011

I checked in to 5 places, took 5 photos, wrote 8 microblogs, and walked 3.69 miles. I was in Chicago, Illinois.

12:46 am


1:14 am

Checked in at Debonair Social Club, Chicago, Illinois

1:25 am

"I haven't broken any glasses on purpose since he slapped me"

1:34 am

Checked in at Empire Liquors, Chicago, Illinois

1:47 am

Hiroki's "decks" at empire

2:01 am


2:23 am

Checked in at Debonair Social Club, Chicago, Illinois

2:24 am

I got nick up in the club!

2:40 am

My goodness gracious.

3:17 am

Checked in at Flash Taco, Chicago, Illinois

3:38 am

Aww right. aww right. aww right.

3:49 am

Drew Carey

4:03 am

Late night walk home.

4:17 am

Checked in at 913 N Hermitage Ave, Chicago, Illinois

4:43 am

Given tomorrow's plans... This is probably not an ideal time to go to bed.

10:44 am

"we're here to see rocky" hahaha.

11:41 am

I really wish GroupMe had an osx app.

8:17 pm

"There is no right and wrong. There's only fun and boring"
1 comment

10:40 pm

Went to bed

10:52 pm

Fell asleep

November 20, 2011