Thursday, February 10, 2011

I checked in to 6 places, took 1 photo, and wrote 5 microblogs. I was in Des Moines, Ankeny, and Johnston, Iowa.

12:17 am

Checked in at Liars Club, Des Moines, Iowa

1:30 am

Checked in at Casey's General Store, Ankeny, Iowa

1:49 am

Just finished up a good night with good dudes.

10:00 am

How did I not know about this yelawolf kid? I love dirty rap like this.

11:59 am

Checked in at The Broox Household, Ankeny, Iowa

3:07 pm

Being in a position where you can buy your buddies $8000 birthday gifts... I wanna be that guy.
1 comment

3:30 pm

Ever since I bragged about how my internet never goes down (last week) it's gone down twice. *foot in mouth*

4:04 pm

Checked in at Pioneer Hi-Bred International, Johnston, Iowa

4:54 pm

Checked in at Foundry Coworking, Des Moines, Iowa

6:48 pm

Checked in at Gusto Pizza Co., Des Moines, Iowa

7:13 pm

Eating @GustoPizzaDM and rebuilding @dsmAlive with @lucky33. All good things.

7:57 pm

Got our name on the board, heh.
February 10, 2011