Friday, February 19, 2010

I checked in to 5 places and wrote 9 microblogs. I was in Ankeny, Iowa.

8:08 am

Can't believe its Friday already... I haven't even packed for the weekend yet.

10:22 am

@PastorJordan didn't Jesus die too?

12:46 pm

wtf??? more snow? i had no idea this was coming.
1 comment

1:30 pm

Checked in at Panchero's Mexican Grill, Ankeny, Iowa

1:43 pm

huh. totally left my garage door open this morning... and came home to boot tracks going into my garage. luckily it was just the ups man.
1 comment

2:33 pm

Checked in at The Broox Household, Ankeny, Iowa

3:10 pm

this new fitness ball chair is the best thing ever. i'm just sittin here bouncing around while working. so awesome.

5:47 pm

on the bright side - i've gotten crazy good at shoveling... and my torso is built like a damn ox. *grunts*
1 comment

6:47 pm

looks like we aren't going to chicago this weekend. headin to nehru's, then i dunno. anyone up for some urban snowboarding? it looks fun out

9:21 pm

Checked in at Waterfront Seafood Market, Ankeny, Iowa

9:21 pm

Sushi! With kari n red. (@ Waterfront Seafood Market)

10:28 pm

Checked in at Yankee Clipper, Ankeny, Iowa

10:51 pm

@hellocackitty @LeticiaEnriquez I think you keep wrong numbering me. I am @broox.

11:14 pm

Checked in at Stix, Ankeny, Iowa

February 19, 2010