I turned 29 years old and celebrated 5 years with Kari

  • 4

    countries visited

    Canada, Ireland, United Kingdom and United States
  • 9

    states visited

    California, Colorado, Illinois, Iowa, Kansas, Minnesota, Missouri, Nebraska and Wisconsin
  • 73

    days away from home

    56 outside my state
  • 199 lbs

    average weight

    ranging from 199 to 199 lbs
  • 4


    3 less than 2009
  • 2,140

    photos taken

    across 250 days
  • 2,119

    check ins

    averaging 6.3 per day
  • 2,532

    microblog entries

    averaging 6.9 per day
  • 12

    blog entries

    8 less than 2009

Big remarks


Online bike shopping; I have no idea wtf I'm looking for. I kinda want a road bike... that can handle jumping a set of stairs.

profile pictures that consist of your child or your significant other are douchey... just sayin. ;)

I really like how android pushes native app updates without having to update the whole OS. The new gmail is nice.

Yearly footprint

Hot photos

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    photos.length: 40
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Cameras carried