Sunday, February 20, 2022

I slept 8.78 hours, checked in to 7 places, took 3 photos, wrote 1 microblog, and walked 5.66 miles. I was in Des Moines, Iowa.

12:20 am

If you ever see some graffiti or a bathroom wall that says, β€œeat shit and die” … just add commas.

12:34 am

Fell asleep

9:39 am

Woke up after sleeping 8.78 hours

10:36 am

Checked in at Casey's General Store, Des Moines, Iowa

10:42 am

Checked in at Brooks' Dead End Ranch, Des Moines, Iowa

2:36 pm

Checked in at Mullet's, Des Moines, Iowa

3:20 pm

It's over 60 degrees in February, so... we're out cruisin

3:41 pm

Checked in at Captain Roy's, Des Moines, Iowa

3:43 pm

Kari ordered a PBR. Who is this woman.

4:31 pm

A beautiful day for a ride

5:03 pm

Checked in at Brooks' Dead End Ranch, Des Moines, Iowa

6:59 pm

Checked in at Fong's Pizza, Des Moines, Iowa

7:33 pm

Checked in at Brooks' Dead End Ranch, Des Moines, Iowa

10:33 pm

Fell asleep

February 20, 2022