Saturday, February 9, 2019

I checked in to 3 places, took 9 photos, wrote 1 microblog, and walked 7.19 miles. I was in Des Moines, Iowa.

12:22 pm

Moved Garth's bed out of my way. He didn't care.

2:27 pm

Cementboard hung

2:27 pm

Shower about ready for tile

5:45 pm

Basement doors and trim: out

6:04 pm

Checked in at Wells Fargo Arena, Des Moines, Iowa

7:13 pm

Let's watch some hockey

7:23 pm

Look at this anus

7:32 pm

It's 2019. Why are children still allowed in public?

9:02 pm

Checked in at Red Monk, Des Moines, Iowa

9:18 pm

Smithwick's with kbroox

11:06 pm

Walkin this big girl

11:12 pm

Hangin at MK's

11:21 pm

Checked in at The Verve, Des Moines, Iowa

February 9, 2019