Thursday, March 19, 2020

I slept 7.9 hours, took 9 photos, wrote 4 microblogs, and walked 4.55 miles. I was in Horseshoe (historical), Colorado.

7:58 am

Woke up after sleeping 7.9 hours

9:35 am

Woke up to 8" of snow on the ground

9:35 am

A snowy morning

9:42 am

Garth had some stomach issues and had to go out a lot that night/morning. Kari still, could not be bothered to put on pants.

10:51 am

Just ordered a bidet cause y’all are crazy people.

12:49 pm

Dirty, snow covered Range Rover

2:07 pm

Snow walks

2:47 pm

Snow + hot tub + bloody mary... Kari is in her happy place

2:49 pm

Hot tub bloodies

5:29 pm

Thinking about sending an email to everyone in my address book about how I’m personally dealing with COVID-19. 🤔

6:36 pm

Afternoon snoozes

6:44 pm

Someone carved the words “cool whip” into a birch tree on this property and I can’t stop thinking about why anyone would’ve done that.

8:27 pm

Grillin out in the snow and havin a Coors

9:51 pm

Fell asleep

9:57 pm

@realDonaldTrump Shut the fuck up

March 19, 2020