I slept 6.23 hours, took 11 photos, wrote 1 microblog, and walked 5.61 miles. I was in Des Moines, Iowa.
3:51 am
Fell asleep
10:14 am
Woke up after sleeping 6.23 hours
11:52 am
Important breakfast
4:24 pm
Needed more beer
4:25 pm
Coloring in the driveway... as ya do
5:31 pm
Homebrew helper
5:50 pm
Rigged up this pump switch during the homebrew mash, ha. Safety first
5:50 pm
Homebrew pump switch I threw together with some scraps
6:27 pm
Nick and Nicole walked by. Garth didn’t abide by the social distancing guidelines
6:27 pm
Social distance hangs
6:30 pm
Angel Haze and Homebrewing
7:46 pm
Homebrew partners
8:12 pm
Fillin that fermenter
10:04 pm
Brewed some beer in the driveway today. It was super nice to hang outside and chat with our neighbors and friends walking by.. during these trying times t.co/pAFwVLzG3a