Friday, April 15, 2011

I checked in to 4 places and wrote 7 microblogs. I was in Ankeny and Ames, Iowa.

7:43 am

Big Boi and House of Pain are in the area this weekend. Anyone wanna to go to either? Both?

11:11 am

Checked in at US Post Office, Ankeny, Iowa

11:37 am

Checked in at The Broox Household, Ankeny, Iowa

11:40 am

finally submitted my taxes, there goes a coool two grand...

12:56 pm

APIs are much harder to explain to non-technical people than I ever imagined.

2:35 pm

@DaRealCraigO wanna hang out tomorrow? ha! nevemind... pussy... ...i hate you.

6:40 pm

Heading up to Ames for my first veishea... lovely evening to hang out outside. Pfft.

7:40 pm

Wow. It's been a long time since I've had to debug anything on a PC. where's my terminal client? ....oh yea.

8:56 pm

Checked in at The Cafe, Ames, Iowa

11:00 pm

Checked in at Iowa State Memorial Union, Ames, Iowa

11:05 pm

Big boi shoe was cancelled, haha. Running around Ames with drea. Watching some crazy regurgitation dude.

April 15, 2011