Wednesday, April 28, 2010

I checked in to 7 places and wrote 5 microblogs. I was in Ankeny, West Des Moines, and Des Moines, Iowa.

12:30 am

Checked in at The Broox Household, Ankeny, Iowa

10:35 am

Checked in at Red 5 Interactive, West Des Moines, Iowa

12:16 pm

well, boy oh boy. i've got a lotta of work to do over the next couple weeks...

1:06 pm

Checked in at near Twana Dr & 38th St, Des Moines, Iowa

1:23 pm

Checked in at Merle Hay Mall, Des Moines, Iowa

1:29 pm

I just got my ID checked to buy a cigar. wtf.
1 comment

1:47 pm

Checked in at El Chisme, Des Moines, Iowa

2:04 pm

@KevinSwitzer wtf. If you're spending enough time on twitter/Facebook that it affects your family/faith, something is wrong...
1 comment

2:32 pm

Checked in at Red 5 Interactive, West Des Moines, Iowa

8:40 pm

Checked in at The Broox Household, Ankeny, Iowa

9:21 pm

Bout to have a cigar with Rico.

11:39 pm

I love me some cigar n Scotch time with @ricolarson

April 28, 2010