Tuesday, May 19, 2009

I wrote 1 blog, took 1 photo, and wrote 8 microblogs. I was in Des Moines, Iowa.

9:40 am

got a solid start on work this morning from home. heading into the office to tackle some more.

1:11 pm

just punched the rails ActionMailer in all of its multi parts. goin to grab a sandwich and the new eminem cd...

2:12 pm

Cruising around a vacant lot at lunch

2:22 pm

even squeezed in a bit of skating at lunch. back at the office - sweaty.

2:59 pm

i hate when artists have weird diacritics in their names. i can never figure out how to search for them in itunes.

5:17 pm

man. it's so nice outside but i'm on such a roll at work. hopefully i can pry myself away soon.

7:05 pm

grillin. then pickin up my slob office and garage

9:39 pm

@whippltren i'd get TV for that.

9:49 pm

Published a blog about Welp, She Got Away Again

10:07 pm

Welp, She Got Away Again derek.broox.com...got-away-again/

May 19, 2009