Started and ended at The Union Bar.
I turned 28 years old and celebrated 4 years with Kari

  • 2

    countries visited

    Canada and United States
  • 10

    states visited

    Arizona, California, Georgia, Illinois, Iowa, Minnesota, New Jersey, New York, Ontario and Wisconsin
  • 71

    days away from home

    49 outside my state
  • 7


    5 more than 2008
  • 3,472

    photos taken

    across 271 days
  • 1,261

    check ins

    averaging 6.5 per day
  • 3,400

    microblog entries

    averaging 9.4 per day
  • 20

    blog entries

    19 less than 2008

Big remarks


Roughest morning I've ever had... Carried ninja down the stairs for the last time today. :( Hanging out at home with wifey.

I just randomly passed out while takin a pee. Woke up to my friends screamin for an ambulance.... huge gash in my head, lots of blood.

Yearly footprint

Hot photos

Cameras carried