Friday, May 26, 2006
I took 19 photos. I was in Des Moines, Vista, and Dubuque, Iowa.
12:36 am
Stephen and Rico
12:36 am
Ryan and Meghan
1:29 am
7:40 pm
Some dog we were following on the way to Duqubuq
7:41 pm
Some dog we were following on the way to Dubuque
10:01 pm
Canfield out our window
10:24 pm
A party in Dubuque
10:26 pm
A big tower in Dubuque
10:36 pm
10:47 pm
Hangin with Rachel and BJ
10:47 pm
Zach's Taco
10:49 pm
Me and Josh
3 comments 11:04 pm
Zach and BJ @ Bartini's
11:06 pm
Me and Zach at Bartini's
3 comments 11:31 pm
Zach sucking on an ultraslim
11:34 pm
He was totally blocking the whole aisle with his chair, haha
11:40 pm
BJ <3 budweiser
11:45 pm
Some dude I met from DSM
11:53 pm
This was the entrance to a bar called 'The Busted Lift'