Tuesday, May 26, 2015

I slept 7.97 hours, checked in to 4 places, wrote 2 microblogs, walked 2.08 miles, and weighed 182.8 pounds. I was in Grimes, Des Moines, and Ankeny, Iowa.

7:38 am

Woke up after sleeping 7.97 hours

7:57 am

Goal for the week: consume less of everything.

11:38 am

Checked in at Lithia Body & Paint, Grimes, Iowa

12:14 pm

Checked in at Wasabi Tao, Des Moines, Iowa

7:06 pm

Checked in at Gravitate, Des Moines, Iowa

7:43 pm

Checked in at The Broox Household, Ankeny, Iowa

8:30 pm

The only way to drink milk is directly out of the milk jug... followed by a big ol sigh of relief.

11:48 pm

Went to bed

11:55 pm

Fell asleep

May 26, 2015