Wednesday, May 28, 2008

I wrote 1 blog, took 1 photo, and wrote 6 microblogs. I was in West des Moines, Iowa.

7:59 am

Wow, that was some deep sleepin. Gettin ready to head into work

9:04 am

All 6 Green Label Art Mt Dew bottles (Josh picked the last 2 up for me)

9:47 am

10:03 am

Josh's Memorial Day Bachelor Party

3:44 pm

debating changing twitter password so i figure out which apps are authenticating against my timeline and quit going over the request limit

6:49 pm

building web apps using 3 monitors.... and each is hooked to a different computer, haha. i really need a new video card for this mac

10:36 pm

listening to my gf's pixies cds... finding out that i really like the pixies.

11:27 pm

omg, adding srv records (or any dns settings for that matter) to sucks. i need batch entry!

May 28, 2008