Wednesday, May 8, 2013

I slept 6.73 hours, checked in to 2 places, took 4 photos, wrote 4 microblogs, and walked 8.64 miles. I was in Chicago, Illinois.

12:12 am

Pinball with Todd

1:29 am

Being able to kick it with my old buddies scottv and todd over the last couple nights has been awesome.

1:32 am

Went to bed

1:39 am

Fell asleep

8:32 am

Woke up after sleeping 6.73 hours

9:59 am

When it's nice in Chicago, it's really nice in Chicago.

10:04 am

Checked in at Lunar Technology Corporation, Chicago, Illinois

1:44 pm

Exploit yourself

4:56 pm

Lunar Technology

6:03 pm

Printing dunny

8:11 pm

It's such a nice day we decided to walk the 5 miles to Logan Square from downtown... whew!

8:12 pm

Checked in at Revolution Brewing, Chicago, Illinois

10:38 pm

Man. I really have a lot of questionable, NSFW stuff in my phone's gallery...

11:19 pm

Went to bed

11:22 pm

Fell asleep

May 8, 2013