Wednesday, June 25, 2014

I slept 8.53 hours, wrote 8 microblogs, walked 1.88 miles, and weighed 176.4 pounds.

8:29 am

Woke up after sleeping 8.53 hours

9:39 am

I'm excited that home automation is finally starting to get some legs... but it is still way too fragmented and cost prohibitive.

9:52 am

When you use words that end in OTUS, you sound like a douche.

12:15 pm

I think I am ready to own a watch.

12:27 pm

I think I am ready to own a new car.
1 comment

12:49 pm

I am still not ready to own a TV

5:20 pm

Just got a @PressyButton in the mail! I totally forgot I ordered this thing last ... summer.
1 comment

8:24 pm

Just finished Jason DaSilva's Progressive MS film, "When I walk." It's on PBS for free if you're up for a heavy documentary.

10:15 pm

I really regret not letting that woman in the Dominican Republic corn row my mullhawk.

11:21 pm

Went to bed

11:28 pm

Fell asleep

June 25, 2014