Friday, July 16, 2010

I checked in to 8 places, took 2 photos, and wrote 5 microblogs. I was in California and Colorado.

11:25 am

Heading to the office for a few hours, grabbing lunch, then flying back to iowa. What's up in des moines tonight?

11:52 am

Checked in at HRD Coffee Shop, San Francisco, California

12:13 pm

Checked in at Dipity, San Francisco, California

1:05 pm

Tandoori Chicken sandwich at Chaat

3:03 pm

Checked in at Chaat Café - Folsom, San Francisco, California

3:03 pm

Checked in at Café Chaat, San Francisco, California

4:10 pm

Checked in at Chaat Café - Folsom, San Francisco, California

4:10 pm

Checked in at Café Chaat, San Francisco, California

4:11 pm

Checked in at San Francisco International Airport (SFO), San Francisco, California

4:28 pm

Being able to check in to your flight with just a cell phone is pretty sweet... and a bit surprising.

7:58 pm

Flight delayed... Sitting at the quiznos bar. Sorta weird... but awesome

8:10 pm

Checked in at Denver International Airport (DEN), Denver, Colorado

8:20 pm

I'd love to get off the plane, have a drink with my friends at liars club, then have a drink with more friends at stix. I hope this happens.
1 comment

9:02 pm

Flight delayed... Sitting at the quiznos bar. Sorta weird... but awesome

10:14 pm

That one dweebazoid from pioneer (whose name I can't remember) is on my flight.

July 16, 2010