I turned 40 years old and celebrated 16 years with Kari

  • 3

    countries visited

    Dominican Republic, The Bahamas and United States
  • 10

    states visited

    Alabama, Georgia, Illinois, Iowa, Kentucky, Missouri, Oklahoma, South Dakota, Wisconsin and Wyoming
  • 48

    days away from home

    33 outside my state
  • 1,616

    miles walked

    averaging 4.4 mi per day
  • 214

    miles biked

    averaging 6.3 mi per ride
  • 180.4 lbs

    average weight

    ranging from 176 to 185.2 lbs
  • 7.6

    average hours asleep

    and 8.1 hours in bed
  • 1


    0 more than 2020
  • 2,383

    photos taken

    across 306 days
  • 1,310

    check ins

    averaging 4.2 per day
  • 371

    microblog entries

    averaging 1.7 per day
  • 5

    blog entries

    2 more than 2020

Big remarks


Yearly footprint

Hot photos

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Cameras carried