Top remarks


I'm incredibly thankful and proud that I got to work to re-elect Barack Obama. That dude and his family are nothing but class. True leaders.

It's new job day! I just joined @Venmo to build commerce software with a bunch of awesome folks. New York, I'll be visiting soon!

I am heading back stage to a Metallica show because I took a shitty photo that wound up being part of their Grammy winning album art.

An old woman in our new neighborhood called the cops on me and my buddy last week for looking suspicious at the pool. Achievement: unlocked.

About to spend 2.5 weeks in Southeast Asia (Singapore, Jakarta, Bangkok) and Tokyo. First time over there + furthest travel. Plz send tips!

For MS awareness week, I want y'all to be aware that MS is a terrible thing and that @kbroox is an amazing woman and ultimate fighter.

Instead of bickering directly at each other, Kari and I bicker to our dog about each other, in front of each other... Because we are adults.

Headin to Chicago for Obama's farewell speech and a little after party with all the folks that helped him win the presidency.