Thursday, January 21, 2010

I checked in to 7 places and wrote 6 microblogs. I was in West Des Moines, Des Moines, and Ankeny, Iowa.

8:02 am

i will punch mother nature in her face. (via @kbroox) ...and since you're home, I will take your car to work today.
1 comment

8:40 am

I have eaten the same casserole for 6 of my last 8 meals, haha. I don't think I'm gonna have it again for a while.

9:21 am

Checked in at Red 5 Interactive, West Des Moines, Iowa

12:47 pm

so much bug fixing today! i need to get back to iphone dev before i forget how to do it... like todd.
1 comment

1:13 pm

Checked in at Francie's, Des Moines, Iowa

1:13 pm

Checked in at Francie's Bar & Grill, Des Moines, Iowa

2:16 pm

for my blackberry friends... RT @foursquare The official Blackberry app is now in public beta!

2:19 pm

Checked in at Red 5 Interactive, West Des Moines, Iowa

3:05 pm

is your office listening to too short? cause mine is, haha.

5:41 pm

Checked in at Best Buy Ankeny, Ankeny, Iowa

5:41 pm

Checked in at Best Buy, Ankeny, Iowa

6:01 pm

Checked in at The Broox Household, Ankeny, Iowa

10:11 pm

well this has been a semi productive night. played with facebook connect and hooked red up with one my spare phones.

January 21, 2010