Saturday, January 23, 2010

I checked in to 7 places, took 24 photos, and wrote 13 microblogs. I was in Ankeny, Urbandale, and Des Moines, Iowa.

12:07 am

Checked in at Stix, Ankeny, Iowa

12:27 am

Brought red to stix. It is awesome as usual.
1 comment

12:58 am

Red at Stix

12:58 am


12:58 am

Nathan At Stix

1:00 am

Nathan - a bit out of control, haha
1 comment

1:01 am

Dancing At Stix

1:05 am

Red at Stix

1:12 am

Ando singing with some lovers on the screen

1:14 am


1:18 am

Red dancing with some chick, haha
1 comment

1:19 am

Showing Mary what's up

1:21 am


1:22 am

This was some dude's dad. He wanted me to get lots of pics of his dad dancing, haha.

1:29 am

Turtlenecks n short pants

1:32 am

Ando bustin up Chuck's game

1:32 am

Mary and Nathan

1:34 am


1:36 am

Ah the "stage"

1:36 am

Dude's Dad Dancing

1:37 am

Dude's Dad Dancing

1:37 am

Chuck ... doing some awesome dance

2:33 am

Checked in at The Broox Household, Ankeny, Iowa

2:33 am

Turns out. DJ hero with a 2nd player guitar is pretty fun

2:35 am

Video games and Champagne!
1 comment

2:56 am

Chuck, red, and I are drinking champagne and playing DJ hero, haha.

3:29 am

Video games and Champagne!

3:30 am

DJ Hero with a Guitar

5:06 am

Geez. Lots of story tellin with chuck. I suppose its bedtime.

11:20 am

I wish I had a remote control grilled cheese maker.

11:45 am

my douchie wife left the house with the last dewsk. not. cool.

11:59 am

Checked in at Jimmy John's, Ankeny, Iowa

12:22 pm

Checked in at The Broox Household, Ankeny, Iowa

2:51 pm

today's productivity is shot.

3:46 pm

Mechanical Bee Tattoo

3:47 pm

Back and Arm Tatters so far..

4:03 pm

@KevinSwitzer we really dont need all these details on your wife's vagina.

4:54 pm

my bee tattoo is pretty much all healed up. photo:

5:20 pm

Checked in at Douglas Ave & 66th St, Urbandale, Iowa

7:07 pm

Checked in at The Grand Piano Bistro, Des Moines, Iowa

8:10 pm

Just noticed that I am maybe the only dude in this restaurant wearing a tshirt and ballcap. Suits, ties, and fanciness everywhere.
1 comment

9:15 pm

My goodness. Drunk teachers.

9:46 pm

This old man just called me Kevin federline, haha. WTF???

10:31 pm

Checked in at Liars Club, Des Moines, Iowa

January 23, 2010