Thursday, November 22, 2012

I checked in to 1 place, took 20 photos, wrote 2 microblogs, and walked 2.04 miles. I was in Marion and Cedar Rapids, Iowa.

12:00 am

Port n Brandy

12:08 am

A new dedication. I have terrible handwriting

12:57 am


12:58 am

Tryin a new beer

1:08 am


1:14 am

Deep in conversation at RG Books

1:15 am

Bookshelf Zach.

1:16 am

Bookshelf Zach. Swoon.

1:19 am

Dear Zach Depauw, I like how your face pops out of books! Love, Derek

1:20 am

A gift from Bookshelf Zach

1:25 am

Hanging out with Bookshelf Zach

1:27 am

Kari is not impressed with Bookshelf Zach's castles

1:31 am

Bookshelf Kari!

1:36 am

I'm not sure Kari approves of Bookshelf Zach's poem

1:37 am

With much love and inspiration.

2:21 am

Checked in at The Reynolds Household, Marion, Iowa

3:01 pm

Kids table

3:03 pm

Thanksgiving Dinner
1 comment

3:04 pm


3:13 pm

I miss bookshelf Zach.

4:19 pm

Group photo!!!

4:22 pm

"this might be a Christmas card!"

5:41 pm

Thankful to be living with this girl again:
1 comment

November 22, 2012