Wednesday, November 21, 2012

I checked in to 2 places, took 6 photos, wrote 5 microblogs, walked 2.41 miles, and weighed 179.5 pounds. I was in Marion and Cedar Rapids, Iowa.

1:58 am

Whew. I finally got around to finishing that thing I wanted to finish.

10:44 am

Oh hey, I redid my web site.

11:03 am

@marihuertas I had a hard time making that yellow skateboard match the site... though I did make a header image out of it just in case. :)

11:13 am

@iandees I wrote it all.

6:18 pm

Checked in at The Reynolds Household, Marion, Iowa

8:34 pm

Checked in at R.G. Books, Cedar Rapids, Iowa

9:01 pm

Drinks at RG Books with Kari, Lindsey, and Jeff before thanksgiving... Easily one of my favorite traditions.

10:19 pm

Horsin around at Books

10:19 pm


11:14 pm

My Father-in-law and I

11:56 pm

Lindsey and Kari

11:57 pm

Found the book I dedicated to Kari some years ago

11:57 pm

Talkin trash
November 21, 2012