Wednesday, November 3, 2010

I checked in to 7 places, took 13 photos, and wrote 6 microblogs. I was in San Francisco, California.

12:13 am

Checked in at near Pennsylvania Ave & 25th St, San Francisco, California

12:17 am

So I tried to turn runkeeper on while walking around today... 4.66 miles. I wish I did that every day in Iowa.
1 comment

10:57 am

So my buddy Josh won city council yesterday, hahaha.

12:54 pm

I bet we could see better on top of this bus...

12:55 pm

Can y'all help me get my bike on top of this bus?

1:08 pm

This dude's tree climbing skills were pretty impressive..

1:16 pm

At a heterosexual parade in SF, weird.

1:22 pm

Parade Crowd

1:25 pm

People hanging out of windows for the parade

1:38 pm

Tops of buses full of people

1:39 pm

I wonder how many people awnings are supposed to support?

1:48 pm


1:50 pm

Taking photos of the parade

1:52 pm

World Champs.

1:56 pm

Fear the Beard

1:59 pm

Posey Girls
1 comment

3:34 pm

Checked in at HRD Coffee Shop, San Francisco, California

3:57 pm

Checked in at Dipity, San Francisco, California

6:20 pm

haha: "I am working on a new MTV show hosted by Rob Dyrdek. I came across your video and thought it would be a great addition to our show."

9:45 pm

Uhh, my head hurts after work today... a beer at 21st ammendment sounds pretty good about now.

9:55 pm

Checked in at 21st Amendment, San Francisco, California

9:55 pm

Checked in at 21st Amendment Brewery & Restaurant, San Francisco, California

11:06 pm

Screw tailgating buses... This firetruck owns.
1 comment

11:15 pm

Just passed a random dude in SF with a big Omaha shirt. Kinda rad...
1 comment

11:24 pm

Checked in at 4th & King Muni Metro Station, San Francisco, California

11:24 pm

Checked in at MUNI Metro Stop - 4th & King, San Francisco, California

November 3, 2010