Tuesday, November 9, 2010

I checked in to 3 places, took 2 photos, and wrote 10 microblogs. I was in Ankeny, Des Moines, and Crocker, Iowa.

9:54 am

11:07 am

No more bitching about my mac mini speed... just ordered a 7200rpm HD and 4gb ram.

1:16 pm

It's been a minute since I've had these on... let's see how they feel.

1:18 pm

It's been a minute since I've had these on... let's see how they feel. flickr.com/phot...oox/5161560263/
1 comment

1:35 pm

omg. That is hands down the oldest I have ever felt. My ankles are the weakest.

6:00 pm

Wtf! Who put that olive garden there?

6:02 pm

Checked in at Super Wash, Ankeny, Iowa

6:46 pm

I just saw a four Wheeler flying down the side of mlk. Awesome.
1 comment

6:56 pm

Checked in at Jethro's BBQ, Des Moines, Iowa

7:06 pm

@mg ha, there are some pretty solid tracks on that album.

7:11 pm

@mg ha, I actually did the same to my headphone jack after accidentally ripping them out of my ears 1000x

9:28 pm

Rico told me to sign my receipt as "a choo choo"

10:08 pm

Just dropped my nexus one hard enough to pop the plastic panels off and battery out. Booted right back up. Whew.

10:37 pm

I pulled my wife talkin gangsta shit. I don't mind the price of that gangsta shit.
1 comment

10:37 pm

Checked in at The Broox Household, Ankeny, Iowa

November 9, 2010