Saturday, November 7, 2020

I slept 7.6 hours, checked in to 2 places, took 6 photos, wrote 6 microblogs, walked 7.83 miles, and weighed 181.2 pounds. I was in Des Moines, Iowa.

12:00 am

Fell asleep

8:19 am

Woke up after sleeping 7.6 hours

10:39 am

10:45 am

Alright America! Just when I thought we couldn’t get any more ignorant, selfish, hateful, or divided, we went and BARELY redeemed ourselves! I’m excited to restore some honor and respect to the White House.

11:25 am

Chicken Dinner

11:35 am

So... just out of curiosity, which Trump quote would you most like to toss back at him right now?

11:46 am

A little election celebration bloody

1:34 pm

So, Nipsey Hussle and YG have the anthem today right?

4:29 pm

It's a beautiful November day for democracy and a car wash

6:03 pm

@fablednet Just need a TV antenna! Or some way to watch NBC (sling, YouTube TV, etc)
1 comment

6:47 pm

I got this Biden koozie when I was on the tech team of the Obama campaign 8 years ago. I didn’t ever fathom that it’d have the significance that it does today... Cheers, champ!

7:33 pm


7:56 pm

Fuck yea, Joe. That is what an American president sounds like.

8:19 pm

Checked in at Django, Des Moines, Iowa

9:00 pm

Checked in at Brooks' Dead End Ranch, Des Moines, Iowa

9:07 pm

Naughty boy!
November 7, 2020