Monday, December 14, 2009

I checked in to 7 places and wrote 7 microblogs. I was in West Des Moines and Ankeny, Iowa.

9:15 am

just pulled outta the garage as slow as possible and slid all the way down the driveway into the middle of the street. this drive sounds fun
1 comment

9:45 am

Checked in at Red 5 Interactive, West Des Moines, Iowa

9:45 am

My desk calendar still says it's november. Back at the office for the first time in 2 weeks.

11:40 am

fingerless gloves and stocking hats FTW. it's cold in our cold office.

1:21 pm

Checked in at near E P True Pkwy & 35th St, West Des Moines, Iowa

1:40 pm

Checked in at Jordan Creek Town Center, West Des Moines, Iowa

3:05 pm

Checked in at Red 5 Interactive, West Des Moines, Iowa

4:06 pm

@milksteakneggs i actually feel like i could use a couple month break before bockfest, haha

6:00 pm

Checked in at The Broox Household, Ankeny, Iowa

6:00 pm

And now... I can't get my truck back up the driveway. shoulda saw that one coming.

8:31 pm

Checked in at Panera Bread, Ankeny, Iowa

8:31 pm

Playing internet with @marymcadams at panera

9:03 pm

Checked in at Menards, Ankeny, Iowa

9:59 pm

check out some of my cousin (in-law)'s custom furniture:

December 14, 2009