Wednesday, December 16, 2009

I checked in to 5 places and wrote 9 microblogs. I was in West Des Moines and Ankeny, Iowa.

8:03 am

oy. forgot how much of a pain it is to sleep bandaged up. slept like hell. time for much caffeine!

11:52 am

Checked in at Red 5 Interactive, West Des Moines, Iowa

12:35 pm

not spending money on stuff for myself this holiday season has been super tough!

1:29 pm

Checked in at Quiznos, West Des Moines, Iowa

2:43 pm

Checked in at Red 5 Interactive, West Des Moines, Iowa

3:12 pm

@PastorJordan stop playing video games

7:04 pm

this newish "portishead - chase the tear" track is great. i love everything they've done the past couple years.
1 comment

7:14 pm

@benagarr i also want sushi every night. and now... i especially want it tonight.

7:37 pm

suddenly craving sushi so bad that i'm heading out to waterfront to have dinner with myself.
1 comment

7:51 pm

Checked in at Waterfront Seafood Market, Ankeny, Iowa

8:03 pm

@right65 haha. i didnt have time to wait for no dates. it was like BOOM, craving. out the door.
1 comment

8:17 pm

Checked in at near SE Magazine Rd & SE Rio Dr, Ankeny, Iowa

9:01 pm

finally watching the hangover at home.

11:15 pm

sort of blown away that it's almost thursday already. come onnnnn weekend.
1 comment

December 16, 2009