Thursday, December 18, 2008

I took 2 photos and wrote 7 microblogs. I was in Ankeny, Iowa.

9:17 am

My new snow boots!

9:17 am

My new snow boots!
1 comment

9:21 am

my mom just said lol in a txt msg

9:27 am

i just got an automated call from midamerican, reminding me of an appt at someone else's house. dumbasses. thx for the free bball tix though

10:26 am

updated to rails 2.2.2, starting a new app. weeeee!

1:16 pm

schools are letting out early... but this radar is not scaring me yet.

5:40 pm

someone is running microsoft windows on the electronic billboards along i235

10:23 pm

@toeb1 because you're a tobbie.
1 comment

10:42 pm

ready for bed. hoping that tomorrow's a snow day (but not for kari)

December 18, 2008