Monday, December 1, 2008

I wrote 10 microblogs.

8:20 am

9:10 am

Throwin the sandbags in the truck and headin to work.

1:26 pm

Jordan creek for lunch

1:35 pm

Santa claus is eating chik-fil-a in the food court, haha

4:19 pm

working on one billion things and getting zero done.

6:19 pm

@JMWING holy. i've gotta try that out.

7:15 pm

You can get a lot done when no one else is in the office.

7:42 pm

Home for a much needed beer and some food.

8:33 pm

Workin some more. Tryin to get this mobile site handling done well.

9:54 pm

i got this mobile browser detection ish on LOCK. time to stop working for the day.

December 1, 2008