Tuesday, March 21, 2017

I checked in to 4 places, took 3 photos, wrote 2 microblogs, and walked 2.74 miles. I was in San Jose and Los Gatos, California.

12:33 am

Today was a weird day. I liked the parts where I learned some things tho.

12:33 am

Checked in at Hotel Valencia Santana Row, San Jose, California

11:14 am

Checked in at PayPal, San Jose, California

12:07 pm

Unlocked computers stressing Ivan out

5:07 pm

Not quite warm enough to swim, but the sun still feels nice

6:39 pm

Checked in at Hotel Valencia Santana Row, San Jose, California

6:51 pm

Watching a talk in the Netflix theater

8:09 pm

Checked in at Netflix, Inc., Los Gatos, California

8:48 pm

I am sitting in a movie theater at Netflix HQ.

March 21, 2017