Wednesday, April 18, 2012

I slept 7.37 hours, checked in to 7 places, wrote 4 microblogs, walked 3.77 miles, and weighed 179.3 pounds. I was in Chicago, Illinois.

12:12 am

Went to bed

12:27 am

Fell asleep

8:18 am

Woke up after sleeping 7.37 hours

9:09 am

Man, I love having short hair again... Except for that whole actually having to look in the mirror and use hair product in the mornings bit.
1 comment

9:36 am

Checked in at Walgreens, Chicago, Illinois

9:40 am

It's funny how having tattoos changes small talk. My cashier at Walgreens just told me that she's getting a tramp stamp Saturday... Cool.

9:41 am

@coopertris but grown ups are rock stars too!

9:44 am

Checked in at Obama 2012 Campaign HQ, Chicago, Illinois

12:53 pm

Checked in at Mariano's Fresh Market, Chicago, Illinois

7:06 pm

Checked in at Obama 2012 Campaign HQ, Chicago, Illinois

8:44 pm

Checked in at Bangers & Lace, Chicago, Illinois

8:46 pm

Finally introducing Kari's dad to Bangers and Lace! Amazing beers. Tasty food.

10:03 pm

Checked in at Gold Star Bar, Chicago, Illinois

10:58 pm

Checked in at 913 N Hermitage Ave, Chicago, Illinois

April 18, 2012