Saturday, April 19, 2008

I took 6 photos and wrote 6 microblogs. I was in Marion and Summit, Iowa.

12:11 am

bill's, marion

12:58 am

Bill's Drinking

1:21 am

at moose mcduffys. ha.

2:22 am


10:40 am

whoa, nice day. walkin to get some dewsk then workin on jeff's basement.

12:32 pm

Some Dry-lock type stuff to seal out moisture and help with temperature.

12:35 pm

More flooring stuff.

7:53 pm

oy. that was a long day of flooring. jumpin in the shower, then - fooooood. i'm starving.

10:52 pm

at lindsey's new condo

11:04 pm

Lindsey and Kari

11:17 pm

Drew Decap, Me, and Justin

11:21 pm

Christopher Springer and I
April 19, 2008