Saturday, April 5, 2008

I took 38 photos and wrote 12 microblogs. I was in Chicago, Illinois.

12:16 am

deb deb debonair.

12:59 am

man i love chicago. i alwats forget how hot all the people are.

1:09 am

Rachel and Harper

1:52 am

at le passage.

3:27 am

leavin evil olive. headin home in a sec

3:56 am

aww crap. my phone is apparently somewhere in wrigleyville.

9:42 am

weeeee, got my phone back. walking to wrigley.

9:52 am

Line for Bleacher Seats

10:04 am

Waiting to get into the game
1 comment

10:30 am

Welcome to Wrigley Field

10:35 am

FUK U DO ME shirt.

10:45 am

far right as we can get in RF bleachers - 7 seats back. black cubs hat, fukudome bandana, sunglasses and zzz records shirt. dvr me!

11:03 am

Walking kids around the ball field

11:33 am


11:55 am

APT across the street.

11:56 am

Horn Players

12:07 pm


12:23 pm

Wrigley Field from the bleachers
1 comment

12:23 pm

Pitching to Fukudome

12:59 pm

"Throw it back!"

1:01 pm

It said, "Houston, YOU have a problem"

1:19 pm

Betting money on this stupid game we played, haha

1:45 pm

1 comment

2:00 pm

At Wrigley

2:10 pm

Cubs Fans

2:10 pm

Cubs Fans

2:15 pm


2:21 pm

Cubs Advancing

2:22 pm

Cubs Fans

2:22 pm

Fukudome Bandana Time

2:23 pm

Fukudome Bandana Time

2:23 pm

Todd, Bob, and I

2:30 pm

Cubs Fans

2:30 pm

I needed that lens

2:56 pm

Kerry Wood finishing the game

2:59 pm

Cubs Win!

3:00 pm

Harry Carey Impersonator

3:00 pm

Cubs Fans

3:02 pm

Astros 7, Cubs 9

3:04 pm

The Win Flag Goes Up

3:07 pm

Tiny and Bob

3:09 pm

Street Performers

3:17 pm

W Flag

3:18 pm

Cardinals Take it in the Pujols. Brewers Suck Sausage.

4:20 pm

cubs win! just had a beer at the ginger man, crashing charlies place, then heading back to harpers to charge my phone

7:28 pm

my body feels funny. chicago partying to 4 hours of sleep to drinking at the cubs game to mini nap - and i'm about to start all over again

7:56 pm

at some cornell event. i just found steph here, haha

10:29 pm

mmm, andie's was good. heading to hot leaf

10:41 pm

whoops, make that hop leaf. lots of fancy beers.

11:22 pm

Tag has a lot of Black Black
April 5, 2008