Sunday, May 10, 2020

I slept 7.98 hours, checked in to 2 places, took 4 photos, wrote 2 microblogs, and walked 3.62 miles. I was in Des Moines, Iowa.

12:21 am

Goodnight, Ned

12:44 am

Fell asleep

8:56 am

Woke up after sleeping 7.98 hours

11:49 am

This girl loves her some brunch

2:51 pm

Checked in at Great Western Bike Trail, Des Moines, Iowa

3:18 pm

Just took a bunch of Virginia creeper cuttings from the woods. Gonna try to plant em along our back fence.

3:48 pm

Doin some old man things

7:25 pm

Checked in at Fong's Pizza, Des Moines, Iowa

8:08 pm

Recently tapped one of my best batches of homebrew and no one gets to share it with me... I'm honestly not mad about that at all.

10:43 pm

@BlackSaddleBike @Spurcycle I’ll take a black one, on a custom black bike

11:07 pm

Fell asleep

May 10, 2020