Monday, May 10, 2021

I slept 7.62 hours, checked in to 5 places, took 2 photos, wrote 2 microblogs, walked 4.53 miles, and weighed 182.2 pounds. I was in Des Moines, Iowa.

6:03 am

Woke up after sleeping 7.62 hours

8:56 am

Checked in at Ingersoll Family Physicians, Des Moines, Iowa

10:04 am

Just went to the doctor for the first time in a couple years. He told me I was fat.

12:01 pm

Checked in at Walgreens, Des Moines, Iowa

1:24 pm

Checked in at Brooks' Dead End Ranch, Des Moines, Iowa

5:07 pm

Checked in at El Bait Shop, Des Moines, Iowa

6:34 pm

Feels good, man

6:35 pm

Benny the Butthole ran away tonight and found an elementary school soccer practice at the nearby park... So, that was a shit show.

6:37 pm

The ride

6:42 pm

Checked in at Brooks' Dead End Ranch, Des Moines, Iowa

10:29 pm

Fell asleep

May 10, 2021