Tuesday, June 21, 2022

I slept 8.78 hours, checked in to 5 places, took 25 photos, wrote 1 microblog, and walked 9.03 miles. I was in Marshall and Bloomingdale, Indiana.

12:01 am

Fell asleep

8:11 am

The raccoons got into Durby's food last night... He tried to alert us. We told him to go to sleep.

8:58 am

Woke up after sleeping 8.78 hours

9:15 am

Mornin in the forest

9:40 am

Forest Stretchin

9:41 am

A lil yoga in the forest

10:14 am

Checked in at Turkey Run State Park, Marshall, Indiana

10:40 am

Shootin photos in the Turkey Run Hollows

10:45 am

Walkin underneath the Turkey run forest. What a wild place

10:50 am

Walking through Turkey Run Hollow

11:15 am

Checked in at Turkey Run Suspension Bridge, Marshall, Indiana

11:25 am

Turkey Run Suspension Bridge

11:33 am

Hiking around Turkey State Park

11:36 am

Checked in at Rocky Hollow - Falls Canyon Nature Preserve, Marshall, Indiana

11:36 am

A beautiful park

11:41 am

Durby wants to know why we are hiking on these wet, slippery rocks

11:41 am


11:42 am

Rocky Hollow

11:42 am

Checked in at Rocky Hollow - Falls Canyon Nature Preserve, Marshall, Indiana

11:42 am

Durby is really wondering why we are doing what we're doing

11:44 am

"Are you serious?"

11:44 am

Durby tries to turn around without getting his feet wet

11:50 am

Turkey Run Punch Bowl

11:55 am

Playin on some rocks

12:07 pm

Turkey Run Hiking

12:29 pm

Checked in at Turkey Run Gas And Grill, Marshall, Indiana

1:12 pm

Stayin cool under the camper

1:14 pm

Post-hike chilaquiles and a bloody beer

1:14 pm

I love chilaquiles

6:16 pm

Chillin at the Turkey Run campground

6:31 pm

It is too hot for camping.

6:39 pm

Hot, tired, and eatin Indian foods

7:24 pm

Coolin off

10:55 pm

Fell asleep

June 21, 2022