Saturday, June 25, 2016

I checked in to 9 places, took 5 photos, wrote 2 microblogs, and walked 10.5 miles. I was in Iowa.

8:12 am

Checked in at Firetrucker Brewery, Ankeny, Iowa

8:16 am

Forgot to raise any money. Forgot to register until the night before. Still ridin.

9:17 am

Checked in at Grimm Park, Slater, Iowa

10:19 am

Checked in at Flat Tire Lounge, Madrid, Iowa

10:56 am

Obligatory high trestle trail bridge selfie

11:07 am

Iowa trail ridin

11:30 am

Checked in at Whistlin' Donkey Sports Bar and Grill, Woodward, Iowa

1:02 pm

Checked in at Nite Hawk, Slater, Iowa

1:29 pm

Kari's parents join the ride for a bit

2:08 pm

Checked in at The Oasis Gazebo, Polk City, Iowa

2:59 pm

Checked in at Firetrucker Brewery, Ankeny, Iowa

3:02 pm

Some little kid just biffed it in front us on the bike trail and Kari sincerely reacted, "OH SHIT, honey! Are you okayyyyy?"
1 comment

5:27 pm

T-25 minutes until I jump in the pool.

6:15 pm

Checked in at Briarwood Pool, Des Moines, Iowa

6:46 pm

Hangin after that 50 mile bike ride

8:43 pm

Checked in at Brooks' Dead End Ranch, Des Moines, Iowa

June 25, 2016