Wednesday, July 1, 2009

I checked in to 6 places, took 18 photos, and wrote 15 microblogs. I was in Ankeny, Des Moines, and West Des Moines, Iowa.

12:01 am

Back home. We had to figure out a way for red to get his paper towels home. Masking tape works.

12:05 am

Checked in at The Broox Household, Ankeny, Iowa

12:05 am

Back home. We had to figure out a way for red to get his paper towels home. Masking tape works. - Photo:

8:59 am

so we skateboarded 3.5 miles last night, haha. skate night is getting a bit ridiculous. and now i spiderin some more sites from home.

9:10 am

@Turbo win! that is hilarious.

12:36 pm

whoop. spidering/importing successful. got my home machine all setup so i can ssh and screen share from the office too.

1:31 pm

Checked in at Fagen Dr & Beaver Ave, Des Moines, IA 50310, United States, Des Moines, Iowa

1:31 pm

Stopping by @ironhearttattoo to see @djdiverse's progress
1 comment

2:02 pm

Checked in at Red 5 Interactive, West Des Moines, Iowa

4:58 pm

ready to be at the icubs game with kari and her friends tonight. hopefully that still works out...
1 comment

6:18 pm

@djdiverse i dont think so - i had no idea they were even playing.

6:28 pm

leavin work to go meet kari and friends. hungry, annoyed.

7:14 pm

Checked in at Clay St & SW 1st St, Des Moines, IA 50315, United States, Des Moines, Iowa

7:14 pm

Great day for a ball game. And we got free tickets too. Bonus!
1 comment

8:01 pm

Why do I get the seat with the 3 kids in front of me? And why is 1 crying the entire time? There's no crying in baseball!

9:12 pm

Just did a 3g speed test on my g1 with tmo. 376 kbit/sec

9:17 pm

Des Moines Skyline/Sunset from Principal Park

9:18 pm

I-Cubs and the Des Moines Skyline/Sunset

9:24 pm

Kari, Laura, Josh, and Jason

9:24 pm

Why do I always get these seats? Always.

9:38 pm

9th inning. 0-0, haha. I think we're about to get some really boring free baseball.
1 comment

10:15 pm

Just picked up a whole bunch of schlitz and other fancy beer at high life/el bait shop. Head back to jason's to hang out/partake
1 comment

10:20 pm

Beer at jason's, ha

10:22 pm

Checked in at Clay St & SW 1st St, Des Moines, IA 50315, United States, Des Moines, Iowa

10:22 pm

Beer at jason's, ha - Photo:

10:25 pm

At Jason's Place

10:42 pm

Principal Park from Jason's Place

10:44 pm

From the Brown Camp Lofts Roof

10:45 pm

Des Moines Skyline from the Brown-camp Lofts Roof

10:47 pm

The Water Tower on top of the Brown-Camp Lofts

10:50 pm

Kari and Jason - and Des Moines

10:51 pm

The Water Tower at Brown Camp Lofts

10:51 pm

Chillin on top of the Brown-Camp Lofts

10:56 pm

Des Moines Skyline from the Brown-Camp Lofts
1 comment

11:00 pm

Jason and Kari

11:03 pm

Hanging out on the roof of those 1 sweet lofts by the ballpark. They just had a 14th inning stretch in that cubs game, haha

11:05 pm

Checked in at Elm St & SW 1st St, Des Moines, IA 50309, United States, Des Moines, Iowa

11:05 pm

Hanging out on the roof of those 1 sweet lofts by the ballpark. They just had a 14th inning stretch in that cubs game, haha - Photo:

11:06 pm

Me and Kari
July 1, 2009